Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Choices, Changes and Considerations...

So, It has been a long time since my last post, sorry about that but no I think it is time for me to say what ons my mind. What's on my mind, then? well, university and what to do after 6th form, don't get me wrong I know that there is still a year and a lot of hard work to go but after listening to certain people it has begun to dawn on me just how big of a change it will be - I will have to get over the extraordinary home sickness feel whenever I am away from my mum, my intense fear of the dark and the fact that I am very scared of not being intelligent enough to be able to do it, not be able to fit in, cope, I am scared that I won't be able to make friends and be brave enough to go 'out on the town'. So many worries and in theory, if all goes well and I get the grades that I sincerely hope that I can achieve, in only a matter of a couple of years I will be off on my own in the big wide world, along with my friends coping and becoming grown up.

So that, along with all the other stress that seems to come hand-in-hand with the taking up of A level subject, is what has been worrying me.

The idea of  'flying the nest' and attending university (if it can be afforded) and growing up is making me feel very, very invisible

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