Friday, 30 December 2011

Give animals a voice...

Please sign this e-petition (Link below) to give animals a voice and to give your support and to play your part in stopping the horrendous crime of puppy mills.

 Please, Please sign! If the petition gains 100,000 signatures before the closing date of 17/8/2012 then it will be considered for debate within the House of Commons.
 If you care about animals in any shape or form then you need to show them your support by giving them 2 minutes of you time to click on the link and sign the petition. you and only you have the potential power to stop this horrible practise and release thousands of suffering dogs from their horrible lives. they never give up on the hope that one day their lives may get better, so we shouldn't give up on them.
Puppy mills are places in which the horrible practise of breeding dogs intensively takes place to supply the lucrative market of providing a family with their own puppy to love and look after. The dogs that are used are kept in cramp conditions, usually without much human interaction, care, clean food, water, bedding, sunlight or mental and physical stimulation. the puppies which are born into this hellish situation then usually have severe medical and physical conditions.
When a Bitch is no longer useful for breeding from then she is likely to either be killed, tortured or sold to other puppy farms, where she will continue her lonely existence, prices for these bitches can range from a huge £800 to £10!

Dogs and other animals that we say we care about cannot tell us about what is going on. Us, the people with the power to change things and a situation have to speak for them.

Sign and Give animals a voice!

Thank you.

Friday, 23 December 2011

What if...

What if our lives were actually just like the movies. I was lying in bed last night contemplating the world (as you do when you can't sleep) when I had an interesting thought. What if our lives were actually like the movies?
What if there really someone out there for everyone of us? What if those people really are people we know? What if it is just that we are so wrapped up in the everyday running of our lives and wishes for a movie style life that we fail to see that that is exactly what we have got? Yes, it may be harder to see as we are not restricted to a pre-written script and plot and neither are we limited to 120 minutes running time but I think it really is out there. The romantic love scenes and the unexpected romances that we all secretly yearn for within our lives. Although I believe this to be true I also believe that another reason why we have been unable to realise this is because we are in denial about it - if life was like the movies then movies wouldn't be the escapism that we would like them to be. If there was no form in escapism in Rom-Coms and other romantic types of films then where would we turn to escape from the bad days, experiences and monotony of our lives that will inevitably occur at some point?

Maybe we as ourselves are not always as invisible as we believe we are and instead we need to stop making the possibilities that are always there so invisible to ourselves?

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Someone jump the barrier for me...

So, after watching the most christmassy, feel good Rom-Com out there, Love actually, I feel very emotional. It is a brilliant, happy film that I don't think is meant to make the viewers cry but.... It just made me realise what I am missing. Don't get me wrong, I understand that life is (sadly) not like the films, I mean is anyone going to jump the airport barrier for me? But it would be nice to know that there was someone there, apart from my parents, friends and family, who would be pleased to see me, wait for me off of any mode of transport (I'm not fussy) and who would be there to listen to me.
Doesn't everyone want this? If everyone wants this, then why is there no-one who wants to be with me? Is love really all around?
Feeling very invisible...

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Frozen planet and the size of the world...

So, Just a short post today. Is anyone else watching the David Attenborough program, Frozen Planet?
It really is amazing and the penguins are just so adorable lol. however, it really does make you realise the size and magnitude of the palnet (maybe that was the point?) and possibly just how insignificant as individuals we are. I am not attempting to turn this post into a depressing one it is simply an observation. For example the tribes who live on the most Northern point of the World have to work in groups of people to survive, whales work together to catch their prey and penguins huddle together to keep themselves and their unhatched children warm. Doesn't this just prove that alone we cannot physically and psychologically live any real life and to achieve all that we want and in sosme ways must we must trust in other people, talk and communicate with other people, listen to the opinions and ideas of other people from different countries, cultures and backgrounds so as to expand our own understanding, beliefs, consideration and thoughts on everyone else in this amazing palnet on which we live. Without this we couldn't possibly expect to be anything but invisible....

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Choices, Changes and Considerations...

So, It has been a long time since my last post, sorry about that but no I think it is time for me to say what ons my mind. What's on my mind, then? well, university and what to do after 6th form, don't get me wrong I know that there is still a year and a lot of hard work to go but after listening to certain people it has begun to dawn on me just how big of a change it will be - I will have to get over the extraordinary home sickness feel whenever I am away from my mum, my intense fear of the dark and the fact that I am very scared of not being intelligent enough to be able to do it, not be able to fit in, cope, I am scared that I won't be able to make friends and be brave enough to go 'out on the town'. So many worries and in theory, if all goes well and I get the grades that I sincerely hope that I can achieve, in only a matter of a couple of years I will be off on my own in the big wide world, along with my friends coping and becoming grown up.

So that, along with all the other stress that seems to come hand-in-hand with the taking up of A level subject, is what has been worrying me.

The idea of  'flying the nest' and attending university (if it can be afforded) and growing up is making me feel very, very invisible

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Long time no Blog....

As my lovely friend pointed out today at lunch, in tones that I am sure were meant to mock me (you know who you are...) I haven't blogged (is that the correct word, is there even a verb to describe the act of blogging..hmmm?) in quite a while. This is due to a number of reasons, including the fact that we went on holiday to the rather lovely, wet on occasions, picturesque Exmoor. It was lovely however it did have one major downfall - no WIFI or reliable phone signal, hence the lack of blog posts...sorry about that. The other reason is that well A level students don't really have much spare time, inbetween politics essays, history essays and psychology revision there is barely time for sleep let alone anything else. Also, to be perfectly honest nothing really worth blogging has happened.
We went on holiday during half term, that was really lovely, the lodge where we were staying was georgeous with the best collection of books I have ever seen in a holiday cottage/lodge/flat ect. there was even Pride and Prejudice which was really great as I had wanted to read it for ages. I now have my own copy and really like the story, romance and the drama. The nature was amazing we saw a wood pecker, many different types of tits (no sniggering) and the hunt, who actually came through the land we were staying on so that was really exciting. They were only trail hunting so that was OK, Exmoor is a major hunting ground and there were phesants EVERYWHERE!
Before we went away I had SO much homework (mentioned in a previous post) so spent the majority of the two days before we went away trying cram all the homework in, I almost managed it apart from 1 and 1/2 essays so it wasn't to bad although I had to cram loads in when we got back on the Sunday before we went back to school.
So, what else has been happening. Not much really, I have decided that I really don't like school and much prefer lunch, break, free's (studies if any education proffessionals are reading this) and home time to any other part of the day, this could be with the exception of Politics nearly all the time and sociology sometimes but.... I still haven't managed to get on the Pre-teaching course (thanks Miss) which is a bit annoying.
Anyway I think I have written enough for now so I will sign off.
The Invisible teenager out. lol

Friday, 21 October 2011

Do they really thing that we have nothing better to do.....

So, it was the last day of school today, before half term that is. I am going on holiday on sunday so I was really hoping that we wouldnt be given to much homework. The teachers obviously didn't here my silent plea and gave me so much homework that I am now completely snowed under with homework...the most annoying thing about this is that all the homework was set on thursday and friday which means that I didn't even have enough time to get some of it done in the evenings after school. Also I haven' t actually been feeling very good either so I suppose I wasn't really doing as much work as I could have done in the evenings anyway.
Do the teacher's really think that we have nothing other do apart from work? My psychology teacher was especially annoying as she said that she had specifically not set much work for her classes as she didn't want to have to do loads of work during the holiday as she thought it was important that she got a rest?!?!?!
Does anyone else have a mount everest worth of homework to complete this half term? - have fun everyone!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Influenced by the media....

So, I have just finshed watching a TV program called Fry's planet word, it's really good but it has made me look ast my self a little differently deep, I know. This episode was about books and libraries and how they have influenced the world and how they are magical. I think the exact same thing, however all the books that he was reading and quoting and saying that had influenced his way of thinking were all classics and well known interlectual books well known by everyone. I have always considered myself a book lover, I love to read and to find information from books however I am not a great fan of the classics and instead prefer to read endless amounts of American, mostly, books about romance and boys and teenagers in other words books that my mum calls trash. I was wondering whether any of you other book lovers feel the same way? I understand that Stephen Fry is very interlectual and soaks up knowledge like a sponge howwever it has made me question whether I actually do enjoy books or just the hope that they give me, they take me away from the sometimes stressful world that I live in, and they make me believe that maybe I do have a chance.......

There is a quote that I found that sums up books perfectly : Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accesible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Fashion overhaul needed....

So, I am sat her watching Auntie Gok's clothes roadshow live and have been getting more and more depressed by the minute..
I love fashion, I love clothes, maybe I don't always love my body/size but I am not unhappy I just want to feel confident in the clothes that I wear and I want tod feel as though I look my age. It is all very well being told that I look good, grown up, blah blah blah and don't get me wrong, I like to think that people thing that what I am wearing that day is a good choice but I seriously want to feel that I look good, I sometimes feel that Francesca, my 11 year old sister, looks more grown up and better than me.. I don't like it, it makes me feel unconfident.
Maybe this is why I am invisible......

To debate or not to debate...

So, today is a Tuesday, you probably know that but it seemed like a good place to start. I had quite  a good day actually, I had history and forgot my homework so I thought that was going to mark the start of a bad day you know how it works... but actually it turned out to be really good, politics wqas really interesting and sociology didn't send me to sleep - bonus!!

At lunch, I went to debate club which was really fun. We were debating whether we thought that men were now the disadvantaged sex, the house ruled against with 0-22 and 3 abstaining but they were the teachers and the chair so they had to. what do you think are men the disadvantaged sex or not? I then did a very stupid thing and said that I would speak after half term for the legalising of  EVERYTHING.
the real debate now is whether I should do it or not, I am not doing it on my own as I am on the same team as a guy who is amazing at debating. However, I have already spoken and don't really want to be that terrified ever again. what should I do, any ideas?

Monday, 17 October 2011

Something to get you thinking...

So, I am sat her writing this, watching the news and a segment has just come up about the death of famous painter Vincent Van Gohg (I do not know if this is spelt right) and whether he killed himself or was short by a pistol, handled by a 16year old boy? I am not into art and am not a great fan of Vincent and his work, however it is interesting as it has long been accepted that he himself ended his tragic life..
what do you think? was the artist shot by his own hand or by that of an inexperienced teenager?

How it started...

I suppose that I should explain how this started...

As I said in the previous post, I probably don't go out as much as other girls of my age. I was at home watching a comedy shown on MTV called Awkward (it's really good you should watch it) anyway the main character and in some ways my new heroine... sad I know... is a 15 year old average teenage girl and she keeps a blog which allows her to put across her feelings and thoughts without having to speak face to face with anyone, it also allows her to share her experiences with like minded people who in turn can help her and share their experiences. So, that is why I hve started this blog and hope that you will give it a chance.
remember that if you think you are invisible, remember that you are by no means the only invisible teenager....

you are not alone....

So, this is my first post. I understand that many you who read this, if anyone reads it are not going to really be that interested in the day - to - day goings on of a teenager who, to be honest, doesn't really get out that much and who really isn't that popular. however, I do hope that someone can relate, will comment and maybe even benefit from my posts and will realise that even if you feel like an invisible teenager you are not.