Friday, 30 December 2011

Give animals a voice...

Please sign this e-petition (Link below) to give animals a voice and to give your support and to play your part in stopping the horrendous crime of puppy mills.

 Please, Please sign! If the petition gains 100,000 signatures before the closing date of 17/8/2012 then it will be considered for debate within the House of Commons.
 If you care about animals in any shape or form then you need to show them your support by giving them 2 minutes of you time to click on the link and sign the petition. you and only you have the potential power to stop this horrible practise and release thousands of suffering dogs from their horrible lives. they never give up on the hope that one day their lives may get better, so we shouldn't give up on them.
Puppy mills are places in which the horrible practise of breeding dogs intensively takes place to supply the lucrative market of providing a family with their own puppy to love and look after. The dogs that are used are kept in cramp conditions, usually without much human interaction, care, clean food, water, bedding, sunlight or mental and physical stimulation. the puppies which are born into this hellish situation then usually have severe medical and physical conditions.
When a Bitch is no longer useful for breeding from then she is likely to either be killed, tortured or sold to other puppy farms, where she will continue her lonely existence, prices for these bitches can range from a huge £800 to £10!

Dogs and other animals that we say we care about cannot tell us about what is going on. Us, the people with the power to change things and a situation have to speak for them.

Sign and Give animals a voice!

Thank you.

Friday, 23 December 2011

What if...

What if our lives were actually just like the movies. I was lying in bed last night contemplating the world (as you do when you can't sleep) when I had an interesting thought. What if our lives were actually like the movies?
What if there really someone out there for everyone of us? What if those people really are people we know? What if it is just that we are so wrapped up in the everyday running of our lives and wishes for a movie style life that we fail to see that that is exactly what we have got? Yes, it may be harder to see as we are not restricted to a pre-written script and plot and neither are we limited to 120 minutes running time but I think it really is out there. The romantic love scenes and the unexpected romances that we all secretly yearn for within our lives. Although I believe this to be true I also believe that another reason why we have been unable to realise this is because we are in denial about it - if life was like the movies then movies wouldn't be the escapism that we would like them to be. If there was no form in escapism in Rom-Coms and other romantic types of films then where would we turn to escape from the bad days, experiences and monotony of our lives that will inevitably occur at some point?

Maybe we as ourselves are not always as invisible as we believe we are and instead we need to stop making the possibilities that are always there so invisible to ourselves?

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Someone jump the barrier for me...

So, after watching the most christmassy, feel good Rom-Com out there, Love actually, I feel very emotional. It is a brilliant, happy film that I don't think is meant to make the viewers cry but.... It just made me realise what I am missing. Don't get me wrong, I understand that life is (sadly) not like the films, I mean is anyone going to jump the airport barrier for me? But it would be nice to know that there was someone there, apart from my parents, friends and family, who would be pleased to see me, wait for me off of any mode of transport (I'm not fussy) and who would be there to listen to me.
Doesn't everyone want this? If everyone wants this, then why is there no-one who wants to be with me? Is love really all around?
Feeling very invisible...