Friday, 21 October 2011

Do they really thing that we have nothing better to do.....

So, it was the last day of school today, before half term that is. I am going on holiday on sunday so I was really hoping that we wouldnt be given to much homework. The teachers obviously didn't here my silent plea and gave me so much homework that I am now completely snowed under with homework...the most annoying thing about this is that all the homework was set on thursday and friday which means that I didn't even have enough time to get some of it done in the evenings after school. Also I haven' t actually been feeling very good either so I suppose I wasn't really doing as much work as I could have done in the evenings anyway.
Do the teacher's really think that we have nothing other do apart from work? My psychology teacher was especially annoying as she said that she had specifically not set much work for her classes as she didn't want to have to do loads of work during the holiday as she thought it was important that she got a rest?!?!?!
Does anyone else have a mount everest worth of homework to complete this half term? - have fun everyone!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Influenced by the media....

So, I have just finshed watching a TV program called Fry's planet word, it's really good but it has made me look ast my self a little differently deep, I know. This episode was about books and libraries and how they have influenced the world and how they are magical. I think the exact same thing, however all the books that he was reading and quoting and saying that had influenced his way of thinking were all classics and well known interlectual books well known by everyone. I have always considered myself a book lover, I love to read and to find information from books however I am not a great fan of the classics and instead prefer to read endless amounts of American, mostly, books about romance and boys and teenagers in other words books that my mum calls trash. I was wondering whether any of you other book lovers feel the same way? I understand that Stephen Fry is very interlectual and soaks up knowledge like a sponge howwever it has made me question whether I actually do enjoy books or just the hope that they give me, they take me away from the sometimes stressful world that I live in, and they make me believe that maybe I do have a chance.......

There is a quote that I found that sums up books perfectly : Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accesible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Fashion overhaul needed....

So, I am sat her watching Auntie Gok's clothes roadshow live and have been getting more and more depressed by the minute..
I love fashion, I love clothes, maybe I don't always love my body/size but I am not unhappy I just want to feel confident in the clothes that I wear and I want tod feel as though I look my age. It is all very well being told that I look good, grown up, blah blah blah and don't get me wrong, I like to think that people thing that what I am wearing that day is a good choice but I seriously want to feel that I look good, I sometimes feel that Francesca, my 11 year old sister, looks more grown up and better than me.. I don't like it, it makes me feel unconfident.
Maybe this is why I am invisible......

To debate or not to debate...

So, today is a Tuesday, you probably know that but it seemed like a good place to start. I had quite  a good day actually, I had history and forgot my homework so I thought that was going to mark the start of a bad day you know how it works... but actually it turned out to be really good, politics wqas really interesting and sociology didn't send me to sleep - bonus!!

At lunch, I went to debate club which was really fun. We were debating whether we thought that men were now the disadvantaged sex, the house ruled against with 0-22 and 3 abstaining but they were the teachers and the chair so they had to. what do you think are men the disadvantaged sex or not? I then did a very stupid thing and said that I would speak after half term for the legalising of  EVERYTHING.
the real debate now is whether I should do it or not, I am not doing it on my own as I am on the same team as a guy who is amazing at debating. However, I have already spoken and don't really want to be that terrified ever again. what should I do, any ideas?

Monday, 17 October 2011

Something to get you thinking...

So, I am sat her writing this, watching the news and a segment has just come up about the death of famous painter Vincent Van Gohg (I do not know if this is spelt right) and whether he killed himself or was short by a pistol, handled by a 16year old boy? I am not into art and am not a great fan of Vincent and his work, however it is interesting as it has long been accepted that he himself ended his tragic life..
what do you think? was the artist shot by his own hand or by that of an inexperienced teenager?

How it started...

I suppose that I should explain how this started...

As I said in the previous post, I probably don't go out as much as other girls of my age. I was at home watching a comedy shown on MTV called Awkward (it's really good you should watch it) anyway the main character and in some ways my new heroine... sad I know... is a 15 year old average teenage girl and she keeps a blog which allows her to put across her feelings and thoughts without having to speak face to face with anyone, it also allows her to share her experiences with like minded people who in turn can help her and share their experiences. So, that is why I hve started this blog and hope that you will give it a chance.
remember that if you think you are invisible, remember that you are by no means the only invisible teenager....

you are not alone....

So, this is my first post. I understand that many you who read this, if anyone reads it are not going to really be that interested in the day - to - day goings on of a teenager who, to be honest, doesn't really get out that much and who really isn't that popular. however, I do hope that someone can relate, will comment and maybe even benefit from my posts and will realise that even if you feel like an invisible teenager you are not.